Your Source For Cognac Recipes.

Welcome to, a place for recipes involving cognac. If you would like to make a cocktail that includes cognac as an ingredient, you've come to the right place. If you would like to find a meal recipe that involves cognac, you've also come to the right place. If you are looking for non-cognac-based recipes: look elsewhere. There are plenty of better, more general-purpose, recipe sites on the internet.

Please note that all of the recipes here are in the public domain, besides the learned asides I (Doctor Cognac) have contributed to a few of them. So it's safe to say that most of the recipes here were written by dead people. In fact, my original aim was to start a dead people recipes site, but the domain name was taken, so I had to stick to cognac recipes that were written by dead people.

Signed, Doctor Cognac